We are Never Alone

“Where two or three are assembled in my name, I am there with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Yeshua tells us that when there are two or more meeting together in His name, He is there with them. No doubt this is an encouraging word for smaller groups and isolated ones as well. But how can a disciple who lives in the world all alone, one single person of faith in his or her city, village or even country, be encouraged by? For many in the Assembly and the various spiritual communities of the Religion of Light, worshiping the Father as an individual, without others to meet with, is a reality, and for some, this has been a situation they have been dealing with for several years. Some have asked, is Yeshua present when there is only one believer?

Our questions regarding this matter were recently answered through Third Pillar, when the Father spoke through His angelic servants and prophets: “For the one thinks he is alone in the world, he shall raise his head up high and know that when he is faithfully observing the Commandments as revealed in the Three Pillars, My spirit is there with him. I have children spread throughout many lands – children who are called by different names and traditions, and they are all precious to Me, whether they meet as two or three or more, or when they are serving Me as individuals in isolation. I have a son in Spain, and a daughter in Laos, including individual sons and daughters spread throughout Canada, the United States, throughout South America and many lands who worship Me without assembling with others. But look! you are not alone; my angels are there, meeting with each of you as you come to the altar to worship Me. I am with each one who remains faithful to My Commandments. I am always with you, for you are My children, and a father does not abandon his children.”

What a blessing it is to have this Third Pillar revelation given to us in these uncertain times, and especially is it a blessing for those who have been serving the Father in isolation for so long.

In reality, no matter where we are in the world, even though some may be meeting in very small groups, or as individual brothers or sisters serving the Father in isolated areas, we are never alone. The Father has promised that He will be with us, as long as we are obedient to His Commandments.

May the words of the Father be a source of encouragement and inspiration to each of you.

May the Creator bless you,

+Mar David

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