In Psalm 50:5, we read “Gather to me my faithful ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice!” (NRSV) And from the Psalms, we also read: “He has raised up a horn for his people, praise for all his faithful, for the people of Israel who are close to him. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 148:14)
For several years, an invitation has been going out to the nations, inviting people of all races, colors and nationalities to take the hand of God’s messenger, the Teacher of Righteousness, in order to enter into a covenant with the Heavenly Father. Accompanying that invitation is the message that the Creator is gathering to Himself a remnant from the world – a remnant of true servants, or as the Psalmist put it, “faithful ones.”
Concerning the covenant, the Teacher of Righteousness said: “I shall turn my hand to the nations and take from among them a remnant who covenants with the Father, all those who give honor to the God of Israel and to His Torah [Instruction]. This is a new covenant that is being made with those who call upon the Name of the Lord YHWH. In it is eternal life.”
I am blessed in knowing that I am in the company of those brothers and sisters, precious in the sight of the Father and of His Son Yeshua, who have made a covenant with the Creator, and are serving Him day and night. Having this knowledge that one is part of the remnant of the Father, bears a great deal of responsibility. One must ask him/herself, “Am I renewing my covenant daily? Am I aware of my daily actions and how they affect others around me, both believers and non-believers? Am I walking according to the Will of the Father?” Those are questions that each of us should ask ourselves every day. We should examine ourselves, especially at the end of our day, before retiring to bed, to make sure we have not committed any sin that needs to be confessed. None of us are perfect. We all sin. We all fail when it comes to the Holy Commandments of our Heavenly Father. This is why we need to reflect on our daily activity, ask for forgiveness, promise not to repeat that same sin, and be alert to ourselves and how we walk with the Father. We need to make sure we are not repeatedly sinning. We must never return to the sin which we originally asked forgiveness.
Our loving God is there to help us, and to raise us up, if we have a contrite heart and diligently work towards not repeating our sins. Being aware of our faults, and knowing that we have recourse to the eternal wellspring of our Father’s grace and love, we examine ourselves daily and renew our covenant with our Lord, in order to remain among his “faithful ones, who made a covenant with (him) by sacrifice.”
In Yeshua’s name, Amen.
+Mar David